Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Take Shape For Life... Lowering my Dad's Blood Sugar

I received this email from my dad Monday. I am so proud of him! Dad signed up for Take Shape For Life and began in April. He lost about ten pounds and decided that this plan was working for him and he began to document his weight loss with a monthly photo shoot. So, here is April and May's side by side photo's.

Here is an excerpt from my dad's email.

It is exactly 7 weeks for me.

I am down 31 pounds now since the start. I am crazy happy about that.

That is down 7 pounds from last monday.

My blood glucose was 111 this morning. 8 weeks ago it averaged in the mid 150's every morning.

I am thrilled with both numbers and the progress.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Almost There!

Today is June 11, 2009. Its' been a while since I've posted here. I got into a routine with the Take Shape For Life plan and didn't see the need for journaling much anymore.

Since my last entry I've lost a few more pounds... :) Actually, My total right now is 82 lbs! The journey isn't over. For the first time in my life I feel like I can actually reach my wedding weight again. I've never felt there was any hope for that but it's only 43 lbs away.

I became a Health Coach in May. I had so many people asking me how I was losing the weight and I was unofficially coaching friends that were on the plan as well so I just decided to make it official. Its a very rewarding job. It also keeps me motivated to stick with the plan myself.

If you are interested in Take Shape For Life, if you are interested in losing 2-5 lbs a week with a safe, medically aproved weight loss plan, I'd love to help you. I'd love to apply my past 8 months of experience with you and encourage you along your journey. Please feel free to call me anytime at 503-936-9728 or send me an email at husk7736@comcast.net You can also visit my website http://www.myhealthybody.tsfl.com

In Health,
Charity Husk