Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Who Knows What This Is??

June 2007 was the last time I attended a meeting. My sister was getting married and I was the matron of honor and her color was yellow. I had to wear a yellow strapless dress. I was accustomed to wearing black, blending in with the shadows and being as monochromatic as possible. I believe I started counting points in February or March of that year. I figured out how to leave out healthy food, eat what I wanted and still maintain my allotted number of points. Making sure I weighed in on Fridays so that Friday night through Sunday night was a free-for-all, then Monday-Friday I'd walk, drink water, and stay within my daily allotment. Because I never broke the addictions of sugar, flour, fried foods (having indulged every weekend) I never ever learned how to live without them. I never learned any strategies for going to the movies. I'd save points for movie popcorn. I never learned stress strategies (although we DID talk about them in the meetings.) 

At my last meeting they handed out this little charm to celebrate my 16th week. I remember well, the day they handed me mine. Everyone clapped. Everyone cheered. They asked me to stand up and share my story. I stood up with hesitation. I was mad but I was being forced. The leader said "What? Aren't you happy!?"  I said "no."  In front of 30 people, I said I was unhappy with how slow it was going and I was discouraged and really, after my sisters wedding, saw no point in continuing this path. At that 16 week mark, I had lost 24 lbs.

NOW, please. I am NOT knocking that. If one of my clients had only lost 24 lbs in 16 weeks, I'd applaud them! That is progress and it is moving in the right direction. However, I'd talk to them about what they want from their program, if THEY are happy with their results and if THEY wanted to supercharge it. Because on average, my clients lose that amount their first 4-5 weeks.

Let me explain the benefits of my current path. First off, I have learned that I actually DO like vegetables! I know what I don't like, but I've learned to like many new veggies. Funny, but its true. Your tastebuds change. I have broken the addiction to sugar/flour/fried foods and salads actually DO taste delicious now! I drink 3-4 liters of water a day because I'm thirsty. My body has learned that it prefers to be well hydrated. I eat 6 times a day. Always. I never skip breakfast. Ever. And there is more. But here are some other differences between what my program has to offer, and what others may offer:


Reduce calories to 1000/day
Body turns fat stores for needed energy
Mild fat burning protects lean muscle
High energy/Low hunger
100% Complete nutrition
Lose up to 2-5 lbs a week


Reduce calories by 500/day
Calorie or point counting
Not nutritionally balanced
Lose up to 1-2 lbs a week

Here is a brief video explaining our program. Learn more here!

This is my website with more information!

Doctor Recommended! Watch This Video!

Today, after having kept 100 lbs off for 2 years, I am on the next leg of my journey. That is to get down to my healthy BMI. Since October, I have lost 40 more lbs and have joyfully stayed the course through the holidays. I'm looking forward to what 2012 holds for me and for what it can hold for you too! The time is NOW!

I'd LOVE to assist you or someone you love. I am giving away $35 referral credit for each referral. If you aren't a client, and you refer someone, you just get a $35 gift card.

I am also throwing out an incentive for anyone makes a decision to get healthy and lose weight by going on the TSFL program by the end of December 2011. Here it is: for orders of $250 or more you will get 4 boxes of free food for the first two orders - 5 percent discount - Free shipping - and $20 cash off! For all of you wanting to start that new years resolution a couple weeks early and save now is a great time. Please contact me to get started!

503-278-6626 (call or text)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Time Five Years Ago.....

My heart throbs with painful memories when I look at this picture. It was taken Dec. 2006. I have a few pictures of me, waist up, weighing over 250 lbs. This isn’t the most horrible, visibly speaking, nor is it my highest weight ever. But what’s going on that you cannot see?

Remember, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and a couple weeks of Christmas baking preceded this event and I had gotten too large for my clothes. I felt so sorry for myself that I cried all the way to this dinner. When I walked in, I sat down and didn’t get up again until it was time to leave. I cried all the way home.  I wanted, desperately, to feel pretty for a night and no matter how much money I spent on new makeup, new hair styles, new jeans, new necklace, SPANKS… nothing helped. I just could not be happy in my own skin.

This photo is on my refrigerator today because as I go through this Holiday season, bombarded with insane temptations and traditions, I look at that photo and remember how I felt that night 5 years ago and think about how I feel now. What I’ve overcame, what I’ve accomplished, the adventures I’ve been on… and the hundreds of people I have had the humble pleasure of assisting.
If you feel tempted this holiday, remember what overeating feels like. Remember what it feels like to not be able to button up your jeans without leaving a red mark around your waist. Look at the people around you. Pay attention to how tired they are, how poorly they’re sleeping, who’s complaining of heartburn and who can’t keep up with you at them mall….. and then be proud (yet remain humble ;) ) and stick to it. You only have 10 more days then everyone around you will be starting ‘diets’ and joining gyms and you’ll be in good company-yet ahead of the game.

If you have joined others in the junk-food-fest, its not too late to turn it around right now. Please call me today so we can talk. If you haven't ever had the experience of personalized behavioral support, I'd love to explain to you what it is that I do and how I can help! It is proven that 'diets' attempted without behavioral support have an 85% failure rate!

Please feel free to go back on this blog and read my posts from 2008 and my first few months changing my lifestyle. The posts are unedited and written from a whiny obese lady who didn't know what she wanted. See the transformation! And call me to so we can get you started!

From HERE until the End of the month, to help you get started, I'm offering the following AWESOME deal!

I am offering an incentive for anyone makes a decision to get healthy and lose weight by going on the TSFL program by the end of December 2011. Here it is: for orders of $250 or more you will get 4 boxes of free food (your choice!!) for the first two orders - 5 percent discount - Free shipping - and $20 cash off your first month! For all of you wanting to start that new years on the first and save now is a great time. Please contact me to get started and mention this blog!

And Here is a brief timeline of my life since that Christmas dinner in 2006:

January 2007: Second attempt at deal-a-meal and sweating to the oldies. Lasted until February. Spent months feeling like a failure but not quite ready to give up.  
April 2007: Weight Watchers. Lost 24 lbs in 16 weeks. I figured out how to manipulate those points so I could squeeze in Snickers bars every week. I didn’t change how I ate. Hated vegetables, so I didn’t waste any money or points on those. Then I figured out how to eat chicken McNuggets. (1 pt each nugget.) I did not change one habit those 4 months. I just figured out how to manipulate the system for a while.

January 2008: Joined a gym. Soon learned you cannot out exercise over eating.

February 2008: Placed my first order with a prepackaged food -highly commericalized- company. Cost me a fortune. No behavioral support. Food just barely tasted better than what I fed my cat. Lost 20 lbs at first, but then nothing, actually got sick from the food. Ask me in person about that experience if you dare.
March 2008: Walking program. Just to feel better. No weight loss results, but I did feel a little better.
June 2008: Had to ask for extension belt on airplane. Got kicked off a roller coaster at 6 Flags (too fat to buckle the safety bar.) Paid extra for first class flight on the way home so I’d fit in my seat. Also dehydrated myself so I wouldn’t have to use the bathroom on the airplane.
July 2008: Depression-overeating.-Deciding I was born for nothing more than obesity and I had better get used to it.

September 2008: Started hearing about “health coaches” and wondered what on earth that was all about. Learned more about Take Shape For Life and decided I was NOT going to try another ‘prepackaged food’ diet and recalled how I’m destined for obesity so abandoned hope once again.

October 2008: I heard many more success stories from people on the program I heard about the previous month. Started researching and pondering. Then abandoned hope again.

Started to think at length “What if?”  What if this would be the ONE time I’d be able to really lose weight and I was letting it pass me by?

Went to my doctor and said that limiting my calories to 1500 a day and working out was helping me lose about 2 lbs a month. She said that was normal and there was nothing else she could do to help me. But I did need to lose weight or I’d have to be on diabetic meds, bp meds and the prescription strength Zantac I was taking wouldn’t be enough. She just knew I needed to lose weight.

THEN: On a Friday. A lady called me. She heard I was interested in learning more about what a health coach had to offer and how she could help me.  The phone call came at an inconvenient time for me and I was in a hurry and I can’t tell people ‘NO’ so when she asked me if I wanted to place my first order and get some food coming, I just said “yeah, just do it” and then I took off. Was just out to prove it wouldn't work.

October 21, 2008:  I opened my first box of food. I weighed 299 lbs. It was a good day. I actually had seen the dreaded 300 lb number at one point.  
Oct 21, 2008 to Present: I have lost 116 lbs. There was a time in 2010 that I actually struggled a little bit with my old self and used food to medicate and get me through some hard stuff and I had some medical issues that prevented me from staying on program, but I never spiraled so far away that I couldn’t stop the spin and I have recovered from that nicely with the help of my beloved and most trusted, free for life, health coach. The lady who reached out to me in Oct. 2008. I am still in contact with her almost daily!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Passion... Dreams and Integration

Its been a few months since I've written anything! Wow!

A couple months ago my business coaches, Chemae and Eric Stevens, suggested I dream bigger. I really have never had any problems dreaming. Roy likes to quote the scene from Apollo 13 where they're trying to figure out how to get the shuttle to earth. Its way over here, earth is way over there... unless changes are made... Charity usually falls way short of her dreams. Its funny the way he tells it. I do have lofty dreams and goals. This conversation with my business coaches did inspire me to make a few of the dreams come true. I went to Borders bookstore and purchased magazines that inspired me. I went to Craft Warehouse and bought some art supplies. I scheduled a Sunday to sit and put together a 'dream board.' Once I put a dream on paper, I am almost rabid to fulfill those dreams.

I started day dreaming about an EPIC road trip. I want to collect sunsets from all over. I want to see National Parks. I want to go to Alaska, Arizona, Utah, ect, ect. All that made it on my dream board. Something was missing though. It was all about me and what I want. That isn't really satisfying and its not what I want to live for.

As I was thinking about my dreams (I'm still rabid, mind you.) I tried to think not just about what I want but what I care about. What is it that makes my chest tight, my eyes water, my throat close up because I'm mute with passion and concern. It's obesity. It really is. I think God allowed me to spend a decade and a half obese so I could care more, understand more and help more. I'll write more about that later. Combining what I wanted with what I care about was the puzzle I was trying to fit together. An integrated life. I love that idea. I want to live an integrated lifestyle. One where I love what I do, do what I love, be with those I love and make a difference in the world and grow in my walk with the Lord all at the same time. That's when the pieces started to fit together.

I decided to start to plan my trip. I was going to see a few spots I pasted onto my dream board. Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park and the Grand Canyon. A couple guidelines for myself would be to stay on program (keep working toward my own healthy weight,) keep 'working,' stand in awe of God's creation, and create memories with my family. I want to integrate everything I care about. I decided that at each stop I'd talk to 10 people about their health, interview them, so to speak.

I've now checked off Bryce and Zion. I'm sitting in Las Vegas waiting for my husband to join us via Southwest Airlines. Then tomorrow, as a family, we head to the Grand Canyon. A few complications have come up making it a little difficult to fulfill all my objectives but as I continue to blog I plan to share a few stories of people I've met, their personal stories, their hardships and if nothing else, I hope that I will leave these people feeling better than when I found them. I hope my family goes home with memories of a great time. I hope to come home with a grander view of God's artistic side and I hope to be a few pounds down.

Until the next wi-fi spot.... signing off.

P.S. If you're interested in learning about what I do either as a potential client or a future health coach (or if you know someone who'd be interested)... imagine living your dreams and growing your business at the same time! Its incredible! Then please feel free to call/text/email or facebook me. Lets set up a time to meet either in person or on the phone. 503-936-9728

(From Left to Right: my brother Larry, son Jarod, daughter Allison, sister Shaina and son Cody on our way to hike Angels Landing at Zion National Park)

Monday, February 14, 2011

I Still Play With My Food

I am not crazy about chocolate. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It just isn't my down fall. Frosting is my Achilles heal. I love to bake. I love "sugar arts."  Hard to do when you're making healthier choices. But I think I found a way to integrate what I love and what loves me. I have been experimenting all week with my frosting tips and my medifast food. If you get my newsletter, you seen the chocolate kisses I made by piping pudding and freezing it. My valentine isn't a fan of frozen pudding, but he LOVES brownies. Brownies are his thing. Here is what I made for him today.

I used a number 95 frosting tip. I mixed up Medifast brownie mix with a touch less water then the directions call for. I sprayed a plate with non stick spray. Then I piped them on the plate. This batch actually made 8, but the last 2 came out weirdly deformed so they aren't shown.  I microwaved the brownie blobs for 85 seconds. Let them sit until they cool. 

Meanwhile, mix 1 tablespoon of peanut butter with a cap ful of sugar free syrup of your choice. I chose white chocolate this time. I put the peanut butter in a frosting tube with a tiny star tip. Then piped tiny peanut butter stars on top. 

There is no reason to get bored with your food. There are over 70 selections you can choose from and each one of those 70 can be made, mixed or played with in a few different ways! Let your creativity show and have fun!

***Health Coach Charity is here for ya. She is experienced, nationally recognized and ready to serve. You can count on her being there for you. She loves what she's doing, she's well established and isn't going anywhere! So have courage and give her a call today! *** 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Winging It", "Off The Cuff" and "From The Heart"

Welcome to the "Charity Husk Cliche Festival!" 

Last night we kicked off our Lose Big Competiton in Gresham. Over 50 people showed up to compete for a grand prize of $300 Cash! The enthusiasm was high and the comradery was moving. We didn't know how many would show up, we didn't know if it would be a competition between 3 people or 300. We were hoping for 20. Because we were uncertain who'd come, the only plan we had for the evening (besides weighing and measuring people) was to wing it. If we had a lot of new people, we'd spend time talking about the program, if we had a lot of salty dawgs, we'd try a different approach. There was a good mix so we squeazed in the new program information, many thanks to my good friends and fellow health coaches, Amy and John Hardesty. Amanda Himes, another fellow Health Coach and Registered Nurse, weighed clients in a private room, ensuring 100% confidentiality. The evening was MC'd by my personal hero, Chemae Stevens.

I'm going to 'sidebar' here and just say a few words about Chemae. I know I've said this before, but I love that lady and am so thankful God brought her into my life. The special thing about her: she loves people. She genuinly cares about your feelings - thus she chooses her words carefully. She cares about your success - so she never gives up on you. She cares about your relationships, so she'll only repeat edifying things and always keep your secrets close. I wish to be more like a lot of people. Jesus, for instance. But Chemae has moved up to my 'top 5' 'I wish I could be like her' list.
The reason I'm sharing about the meeting and kick off 'party', as it were, is because I learned something quite profound last night. Or rather, I was reminded of something I'd forgotten in my quest and eagerness to help more people. Going back to who was doing what and the 'winging it' plan, Chemae asked me, last night, to do the 'testimonies' portion of the evening. The purpose of sharing testimonies is always to encourage and create excitement, provoke you to dream. I was glad to do it. I love sharing my story. I tell how I used to weigh close to 300 lbs (carried it mostly in my legs, seriously) and how my life changed and how I got to summit Mt. Hood last year. But then I had asked a few people to share their stories. They were caught off guard, had no idea I would ask this of them and had nothing prepared. They had to speak off the cuff. The testimonies were so moving. I was caught with a lump in my throat more than once.

There is Donna and her inability to get health insurance and how she's lost 100 lbs in 6 months and is now insured!

There was Patrick, who was depressed because the old 'get to the gym and workout more' routine was no longer working for him-but he found TSFL and the 60 lbs melted off him!

Trudy. Precious girl, had a lot on her plate last year, including a death in the family. Talked about her 90 lb weight loss and how her daughter can wrap her arms around her now and how she is COACHING baseball! Great things are in store for Trudy!

David. He lost 8 lbs. Didn't need to lose a lot, but was suffering from chronic heartburn. He feels amazing now. His wife, Amanda lost 40 lbs and she loves boasting about how you don't have to have a HUGE weight loss to a 'story' or to inspire others! Her life has changed so much and her story is as big as her heart!

Jana. She was nervous about sharing. Mainly because she hadn't before and I sprung it on her. She hadn't 'prepared' anything. Her story was very moving and she just spoke from her heart. She told about how she lost 38 lbs and her 16 yr old daughter wears her jeans. There was some funnies in there. She said the biggest thing people noticed about her was that 'her smile' was back. She's happy and in control of her food, eating and her weight, where she had previously felt out of control. Her smile is back. That put a smile on everybody's face.

Here is the lesson I learned. I've been working overtime, trying to bribe and beg people to try Take Shape For Life. I have had so many 'specials' floating around that sometimes I lose track. Free food, free shipping, $50 off, free set of Habits of Health books..... $300 cash prize for the biggest loser. I've forsaken why I really do this. What is it about Take Shape For Life that draws people in? Is it the freebies??  OR is it the heartfelt stories, the true life transformations and the hope for a better future?

Nobody paid me to try Take Shape For LIfe. I started because I seen other lives changed and that is the business I'm in now. Life change, transformations, dreaming, health, not settling for good when you can have great. For me, this is what Take Shape For Life is about. Now. I'm not withdrawing offers on the table. I do have quite a few and will honor them, gladly! But there is much more to this program then food and I encourage you, if you haven't yet.... give it a try.

There is still time to join our Lose Big competition. You'll have a little bit of a disadvantage, but who knows, you could still win  the $$. Everyone wins with this competition though. The motivation, the encouragement and the lessons are well worth your time.

Next week, January 19th, we'll be starting a series called "The Habits of Health" and we'll learn a lot about how we got where we are and how to get where we want to be. This is free and anybody is welcome to come.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


You may think I'm over doing this 'birthday" thing right now, but let me tell you. I am so excited and emotional about this day. October 21, 2008 I cracked open my very first packet of Cappuccino. I was reminiscing about that this morning, as I was going through my cappuccino routine. Breakfast every day within 30-60 minutes of waking up. The cappuccino is loaded with vitamins, minerals, carbs, protein and fills me up, gets me started on the right foot. I do it every morning. 

I'm not going to 'blibbity blah' with a whole post today, I think my post from October 4th says it all. "Meet Charity."  My life has changed so much in the last two years. From being kicked off a roller coaster because I was too fat to climbing Mt. Hood..... 

On the anniversary of my new life, my 'healthy birthday'  I want everyone to know, you may look at me now and think that its no big deal, I'm not that hot or not that thin, but look where I came from! Look how far I've come! I'm so proud of what I've done and so thankful to Take Shape For Life, my health coach Chemae Prime Stevens, God-for bringing this amazing program (and many amazing people!) into my life and for giving the horrible times in my life purpose and allowing me to use those to inspire others and help them make changes. What a GREAT day!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Meet Charity, 2008

I would like to introduce you to someone I'm very close to. I didn't use to care about her too much then I realized how much her family loved her and how much Jesus loved her. I decided to give her another chance and now I love her too.

My friend, Charity weighed close to 300 lbs. Every single night (sometimes during the day as well) she had the worst heartburn you could imagine. Water gave her heartburn. She had GERD (Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease) so bad she could hardly swallow because of the built up scar tissue in her esophagus. She was borderline diabetic. Her dad is diabetic so she knew it was coming, but BOY did she love sugar. Who cared about her health. The sugar and carbs made the hurts of life go away.....temporarily. She supplemented the sugar with high doses of antidepressants and isolation.

The only thing she liked about the mall was Panda Express.  Size 22-24 was a hard range to find anything trendy to wear. She had to shop alone too because none of her friends needed specialty shops. When she did shop with her friends and they went to all the surf shops and petite stores, she'd look at earrings to pass the time.

Travel was miserable for her. She had to have an extension belt on airplanes, she didn't fit on rides at amusement parks, seats in the car could not have the arm rest down and the steering wheel of the car fit miserably up against her stomach.

Sometimes, Charity would sit around and remember how much fun she used to have hiking and climbing but a simple trip to the mailbox was excuse enough for a nap now. She never visited her kids rooms upstairs because it took her breath away to climb up there.

Another thing she would remember and miss terribly was intimacy with her husband.

Charity wasn't very nice either. Maybe she thought being a bossy bully earned her respect that she'd otherwise lost being obese? She was loud because otherwise she was sure nobody listened to her. Charity was in pain. Not just physically but emotionally as well. It was a crazy cycle. Being obese made her depressed so she'd eat. Eating made her obese. This made her depressed and she'd eat some more. But when the pain of staying the same became greater than the pain of change, she began to pray. 

I'd like you to meet Charity now. She's lost over 100 lbs. She feels AMAZING. Sure, she has days where she feels 'fat' and has to kick into high gear again, but she's tasted freedom and she will never go back. She is no longer on any acid reflux medication, she takes the lowest dose of antidepressants possible-mostly to combat dreary Oregon days I think. She visits the mall frequently, but NEVER Panda Express. Hiking and climbing are her life now. Last week her kids -each individually and separately-gasped and said "Um! Did you just RUN up those stairs?"  Why, YES. She DID. She loves running up the stairs now! Gets her legs in shape for climbing! 

Her husband is quite pleased with her progress. Their alone time has been amazing. He always loved her and supported her no matter what. There is something physically liberating about not having to maneuver around 100 extra pounds though and their marriage has never been better. 

Loving herself has become easy and has enabled her to love others more. Now she has a burning passion to help others -everyone whether they have 5 pounds to drop or 300 - but especially the ones with 50+ lbs to lose. She has been there. She has figured out how to overcome obesity. The vicious cycle that doesn't seem to have an end can indeed have an end. If you'd like her to reach out to you, and help you or someone you know or love, please contact her today. She's waiting to help.