Friday, August 27, 2010

Commitment 2: About The Last 17 Years.... And Here's To The Next 17.....

Commitment 2: About The Last 17 Years.... And Here's To The Next 17.....

About The Last 17 Years.... And Here's To The Next 17.....

I can't believe I've been married almost half my life now. Time has flown by. Roy and I have gone through quite a few adventures together the last 19 years or so. (Married 17 years..... we didn't really know Jesus back then so don't bother doing the math.)

Right after we got married back in 1993, we bought our first house. It was only 740 square feet and we only had one child. I remember when Cody was born, we didn't really know where to put him. For two years he slept in our room. I even ran a daycare out of that house!

In 1996 we moved out here to Fairview. This house was more beautiful than we ever thought would be possible for us. This was before there was an 207th street exit, bypass to Glisan, a Target, Carlino's, Scrubby's, Bumpers...... Halsey street was a small one lane road with a wetland on the south side. Here we brought home two more newborns, taught 3 kids how to read, make hundreds of dozens of cookies on stormy days, hunkered down for many ice storms and held many garage sales. We have about eight cats buried in the back yard, each with a tiny headstone.

Today is our last day in our Fairview home. The Uhaul truck will be here early tomorrow morning to haul off the last of our belongings to our new home in Gresham and we'll start another leg of our journey together.

About my husband: Roy is everything I ever could've asked for in a husband. He loves me unconditionally. He loved me fat, he loved me thin, he loved me everywhere between. He's kind, gentle, attentive (when he wants to be LOL)  loyal, hard working and a super dad who leads by example. He follows Jesus whole heartedly and gives of himself relentlessly. Before 10 am this morning he already told me "Happy Anniversary!" and "I love you!" more times than I can count on my fingers.

Thank you Jesus, so much, for everything you have given me. Thank You for providing a house better than our wildest dreams, thank You for my wonderful children (all 4 of them!) Thank You for Roy-whom i did not deserve. Thank You for my friends. I love you ladies. I couldn't get through all this baloney without you.

Now, as for Take Shape For Life. Check out my new website! I'm excited to gear up for the last quarter of the year and kick some buns. I want to get about 20 more people on the road to optimal health before the end of the year so if you know someone who needs some help with their health, send them to my sight and encourage them to contact me.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

We're Moving

I can't tell you all how thankful I am that August is almost over. There is something new and fresh feeling about September.

First of all, Mom's surgery went well. She opted for a lumpectomy rather than a full mastectomy per the doctors recommendations. 48 hours after surgery she was headed to the movies with Amy. So, that's a good sign. We'll find out sometime this week what pathology had to say about everything removed. Friday is her appointment with the radiation oncologist and we'll discuss the next step. Next week post op with her surgeon.

Monday the 30th, Kerry (step dad) goes in for surgery.

Now, here's the 'new' news. This past year and a half, Roy and I have been trying very hard to work with our mortgage company. Before I started with Take Shape For Life, the economy was rough for our automotive repair shop and we had a rough winter. We got behind on many bills including the IRS and our house. For 6 months we paid a payment and a half ($2500!) a month to get caught up, then right when we got caught up, we had another slow month at the shop and couldn't make the next payment. When finances got better, we called to set up a payment plan again, this time I had an income of my own to help out. Take Shape For Life has supplied me with a greater income than I'd ever had before on my own and we were certain we could catch up and stay current. The bank had a different plan though. We started to work on a load modification. Found out we now made too much money. We wanted to send them a payment, they said nothing short of $5000 would be satisfactory. I'd heard from others that when they just sent in a single months payment, the bank returned it, so we just took the bank for their word and didn't send a payment. Eventually it turned into nothing short of $15,000 would be satisfactory. Again, tried loan modification, tried calling all those Obama plan mortgage help lines, and we got nothing. So, we opted to quit 'fighting' and do a short sale. We received an offer on the house, earnest money and we had a fabulous Realtor on our side. Would the bank except it? NO. They said due to FHA guidelines we could've been making our house payment for the last 6 months so they don't have to work with us. Remember, they  wouldn't accept a payment. Furthermore, they were working off our shop income as our personal income. They said that we'd made $130,000 in the last 6 months so there was no reason we couldn't make the $15,000 payment. Of course we did not make $130,000 in the last 6 months. The shop did, but not us. Over 50% of that money was cost of goods sold as well, not to mention labor, taxes, rent, payroll....... Anyway, very not fair. Roy and I have worked hard, gave it an honest effort and at last gave up the fight.

This Tuesday, August 24 our house will be auctioned off. I'd be embarrassed about it but the fact is, so many people are going through the same thing right now. I find sympathetic ears everywhere I go. Roy and I tried our best to make it real and honest and right and well, the fact of the matter is, this house isn't that great anyway.

The great news is we found a place to live. Its ten times better than the house we're in. It's definitely an upgrade. Same house payment as this house, but now I have my Take Shape For Life income to pay for it. Tuesday night we get the keys and we'll start the move Wednesday.

So. That's the news. Please be praying for us as we make this huge adjustment. The kids are struggling the most with it but I'm sure once they see their new bedrooms, the creek in the back yard, the kids riding bikes in the new neighborhood, they'll be fine. The rough part is just dealing with all this at the same time as mom and Kerry go through their surgeries and various doctors appointments. Prayers are appreciated.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Road Not Taken

I took this photo myself on our little mountain adventure this past Wednesday. It's taken at the Barlow Road Tollgate on Hwy 26. Every time I come to a fork in a trail like this I think of the poem by Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken."  In the event that you don't know this one, I'll share it below here.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
and sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
and looked down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim
because it was grassy and wanted wear;
though as for that, the passing there
had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no feet had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference -- Robert Frost
Robert Frost has a great poetic interpretation of many people's thoughts when they come to a fork in the road, I'd like to offer my thoughts on the road less traveled. 
Many times we go through life just trudging along. Its fairly easy. We have our hills and staircases-metaphorically speaking but sometimes we come to a place in our life where we have to stop. Its too hard to move on and we have to make a choice.  One path looks incredibly hard and you don't think you can do it or even if its something you want bad enough to try. It's the high road.  Its hard to imagine ever getting too far up that path. The other road is the low road. I believe it would be the trampled on road. It looks easier, it doesn't require a whole lot of preparation or effort. I'm certain it is the one most often picked. 
The difference between mediocrity and greatness, good and great, sufficient and exemplary depends on you making the right choice at that fork.  In order to be great, you have to be willing to do what others most often aren't willing to do. Perhaps you have to pick a tad bit of discomfort or inconvenience. It's worth it to choose the road less traveled. The path less trampled. 
When you are faced with a bag of chips or a special birthday cake I want you to think about the path you are choosing. When you are discouraged and want to quit, that is a pivotal fork in the road. Quitting will lead you down the same road that many others have chosen and many others have decided to forgo a life of activity and health for the easy path. Choose health and life. Go from just surviving, the thriving. It's worth it. This is one path I'd love to see worn down and trampled. 
Personal updates:  I have now been back on plan for almost 2 weeks straight. I've had some rough days with worry and anxiety but I turned to walking and friends and Jesus rather than food. The next two weeks are going to be more of the same nuttiness but I think I'm getting a handle on things. 
Mom: Her birthday is on the 18th. She'll be 60. We're going to have a party. Not sure how rowdy it'll be, but I will be working on it. Surgery still scheduled for the 19th. Still not 100% sure what kind of surgery she's opting for, a lot of that depends on her appointment today with the geneticist. 
Step-Dad: Surgery to repair the other worn out retina scheduled for the 30th. Mom will probably not be in any position to take care of him, or him her so...
Me: In addition to my duties as the nanny of the parents, I am moving this month. Looks like we'll be moving the week after my mom's surgery and before step dad's. We've had a long battle with our mortgage company. The details aren't important, but we're all going to be ok. Just another layer of craziness.  Our new home is in East Gresham and a long way from Target. How will I ever endure? LOL  I am absolutely determined to find other solutions to my anxiety that are not food related. I am absolutely determined to stay on program learning the habits of health and teaching them as well.
Take Shape For Life: I have some vacancies. Lots of people reached their goals and I want to help more do what they did! If you're one of them, can I bribe you into giving me some before and after pictures??  If you would like to talk about Take Shape For Life, the NO Fail, completely safe, pill free, drug free, diet free approach to life long health, please feel free to call, email, text, ect. Don't be afraid to just ask questions, I'm open to whatever you throw at me and better yet, I look forward to it! 
The people that were at Wednesday nights FIT meeting got to meet my daughter, Katie. She will be assisting me with outgoing calls this month. Incoming, please, send them all to me. 
As for the FIT meetings, I will not be there next Wednesday because it is my Mom's birthday before her surgery. I encourage you to attend however. See below for times and directions! We are going through the Habits of Health DVD series! Its amazing and I learn a ton, I know you will too! 