Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Who Knows What This Is??

June 2007 was the last time I attended a meeting. My sister was getting married and I was the matron of honor and her color was yellow. I had to wear a yellow strapless dress. I was accustomed to wearing black, blending in with the shadows and being as monochromatic as possible. I believe I started counting points in February or March of that year. I figured out how to leave out healthy food, eat what I wanted and still maintain my allotted number of points. Making sure I weighed in on Fridays so that Friday night through Sunday night was a free-for-all, then Monday-Friday I'd walk, drink water, and stay within my daily allotment. Because I never broke the addictions of sugar, flour, fried foods (having indulged every weekend) I never ever learned how to live without them. I never learned any strategies for going to the movies. I'd save points for movie popcorn. I never learned stress strategies (although we DID talk about them in the meetings.) 

At my last meeting they handed out this little charm to celebrate my 16th week. I remember well, the day they handed me mine. Everyone clapped. Everyone cheered. They asked me to stand up and share my story. I stood up with hesitation. I was mad but I was being forced. The leader said "What? Aren't you happy!?"  I said "no."  In front of 30 people, I said I was unhappy with how slow it was going and I was discouraged and really, after my sisters wedding, saw no point in continuing this path. At that 16 week mark, I had lost 24 lbs.

NOW, please. I am NOT knocking that. If one of my clients had only lost 24 lbs in 16 weeks, I'd applaud them! That is progress and it is moving in the right direction. However, I'd talk to them about what they want from their program, if THEY are happy with their results and if THEY wanted to supercharge it. Because on average, my clients lose that amount their first 4-5 weeks.

Let me explain the benefits of my current path. First off, I have learned that I actually DO like vegetables! I know what I don't like, but I've learned to like many new veggies. Funny, but its true. Your tastebuds change. I have broken the addiction to sugar/flour/fried foods and salads actually DO taste delicious now! I drink 3-4 liters of water a day because I'm thirsty. My body has learned that it prefers to be well hydrated. I eat 6 times a day. Always. I never skip breakfast. Ever. And there is more. But here are some other differences between what my program has to offer, and what others may offer:


Reduce calories to 1000/day
Body turns fat stores for needed energy
Mild fat burning protects lean muscle
High energy/Low hunger
100% Complete nutrition
Lose up to 2-5 lbs a week


Reduce calories by 500/day
Calorie or point counting
Not nutritionally balanced
Lose up to 1-2 lbs a week

Here is a brief video explaining our program. Learn more here!

This is my website with more information!

Doctor Recommended! Watch This Video!

Today, after having kept 100 lbs off for 2 years, I am on the next leg of my journey. That is to get down to my healthy BMI. Since October, I have lost 40 more lbs and have joyfully stayed the course through the holidays. I'm looking forward to what 2012 holds for me and for what it can hold for you too! The time is NOW!

I'd LOVE to assist you or someone you love. I am giving away $35 referral credit for each referral. If you aren't a client, and you refer someone, you just get a $35 gift card.

I am also throwing out an incentive for anyone makes a decision to get healthy and lose weight by going on the TSFL program by the end of December 2011. Here it is: for orders of $250 or more you will get 4 boxes of free food for the first two orders - 5 percent discount - Free shipping - and $20 cash off! For all of you wanting to start that new years resolution a couple weeks early and save now is a great time. Please contact me to get started!

503-278-6626 (call or text)

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