Thursday, October 21, 2010


You may think I'm over doing this 'birthday" thing right now, but let me tell you. I am so excited and emotional about this day. October 21, 2008 I cracked open my very first packet of Cappuccino. I was reminiscing about that this morning, as I was going through my cappuccino routine. Breakfast every day within 30-60 minutes of waking up. The cappuccino is loaded with vitamins, minerals, carbs, protein and fills me up, gets me started on the right foot. I do it every morning. 

I'm not going to 'blibbity blah' with a whole post today, I think my post from October 4th says it all. "Meet Charity."  My life has changed so much in the last two years. From being kicked off a roller coaster because I was too fat to climbing Mt. Hood..... 

On the anniversary of my new life, my 'healthy birthday'  I want everyone to know, you may look at me now and think that its no big deal, I'm not that hot or not that thin, but look where I came from! Look how far I've come! I'm so proud of what I've done and so thankful to Take Shape For Life, my health coach Chemae Prime Stevens, God-for bringing this amazing program (and many amazing people!) into my life and for giving the horrible times in my life purpose and allowing me to use those to inspire others and help them make changes. What a GREAT day!

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